文档中心 > Lazada Open Platform

API endpoint URLs

更新时间:2018/02/03 访问次数:964

Lazada Open Platform provides an online production environment for each Lazada venture. The data under the production environment are all true online data, providing limited times and authority of interface calling. The production environment shares data with the online system, and the true data of an online shop are directly influenced by the interface for writing class, so you must operate with caution.

The following table lists the URL of the production environment for each venture.

Venture Server URL
Singapore https://api.lazada.sg/rest
Thailand https://api.lazada.co.th/rest
Malaysia https://api.lazada.com.my/rest
Vietnam https://api.lazada.vn/rest
Philippines https://api.lazada.com.ph/rest
Indonesia https://api.lazada.co.id/rest

