The Seller Center APIs have been migrated to Lazada Open Platform. The current applications that call the Seller Center APIs need to be reconfigured for the migration. This section aims at helping you migrate your existing applications to the new platform.
We strongly recommend you to use the official SDK to call Lazada Open Platform APIs (download link), which saves your efforts in resolving the protocols. The official SDK will be continuously upgraded to support more programming languages and APIs. If you do not use the official SDK, you will need to understand the following API protocol updates. For more detailed information, refer to the API Reference Documentation.
Lazada Open Platform API has updated protocol than the Seller Center API. The differences between the request URLs, parameters, and responses are shown in the table below.
Seller Center API
Lazada Open Platform API
Request URL
One URL for each venture
API name: RESTful
Timestamp: supporting UTC format
&sign=3ECA2FD80065FB779761F75F6D09D2C6 |
Signature algorithm (Lazada Open Platform supports HMAC_SHA256)
&Format=XML / JSON
LAZOP supports json format only
Changed to lowercase. For example, OrderId will be changed to order_id
Changed to lowercase
Post body
No change
Success response
Refer to the sample below
Refer to the sample below
Error response
Refer to the sample below
Refer to the sample below
For Java
For Java, C#, PHP, Ruby, and Python
{ "SuccessResponse": { "Head": { "RequestId": "0bb606c315153141103028143eff59", "RequestAction": "GetBrands", "ResponseType": "Brands", "Timestamp": "2018-01-07T08:35:10+00:00" }, "Body": { "Brands": [ { "BrandId": 3635, "Name": "3Dconnexion", "GlobalIdentifier": "3dconnexion" }, { "BrandId": 3636, "Name": "3M", "GlobalIdentifier": "3m" } ] } } }
{ "ErrorResponse": { "Head": { "RequestId": "0bb606d615153145206778830e1230", "RequestAction": "GetBrands", "ErrorType": "Sender", "ErrorCode": 20, "ErrorMessage": "E020: %s Invalid Limit,limit MaxSize 1000" } } }
{ "request_id": "cwxtlxt98lvy", "code": "0", "data": [ { "brand_id": 161266, "global_identifier": "test_carmen", "name": "test carmen" }, { "brand_id": 161267, "global_identifier": "2k_games", "name": "2K Games" } ] }
{ "request_id": "cwxtly2mw54o", "code": "15", "type":"ISV|platform|ISP", "message": "Remote service error" }
Lazada Open Platform APIs are RESTful APIs. The following table shows the mapping of the API method name and the Lazada Open Platform API path.
API | API path |
GetBrands | /brands/get |
GetCategoryAttributes | /category/attributes/get |
GetCategoryTree | /category/tree/get |
GetPayoutStatus | /finance/payout/status/get |
GetTransactionDetails | /finance/transaction/detail/get |
GetDocument | /order/document/get |
GetFailureReasons | /order/failure_reason/get |
GetMultipleOrderItems | /orders/items/get |
GetOrder | /order/get |
GetOrderItems | /order/items/get |
GetOrders | /orders/get |
GetShipmentProviders | /shipment/providers/get |
SetInvoiceNumber | /order/invoice_number/set |
SetStatusToCanceled | /order/cancel |
SetStatusToPackedByMarketplace | /order/pack |
SetStatusToReadyToShip | /order/rts |
CreateProduct | /product/create |
GetProducts | /products/get |
GetQcStatus | /product/qc/status/get |
GetResponse | /image/response/get |
MigrateImage | /image/migrate |
MigrateImages | /images/migrate |
RemoveProduct | /product/remove |
SetImages | /images/set |
UpdatePriceQuantity | /product/price_quantity/update |
UpdateProduct | /product/update |
UploadImage | /image/upload |
SellerUpdate | /seller/update |
UserUpdate | /user/update |