Alibaba open API is the ultimate business solution that makes it easy for SMBs to manage data, including product information and order information, more efficiently between their proprietary (ERP) system and the marketplace system. More than 20 endpoints that are available on the open API allow your data to be stored in one place and synchronized with a couple of API calls. It is also a great tool ISVs (Independent Software Vendor) can use to help you develop your own product listing solutions.
It is powered by Alibaba Cloud and SDK central hub. The beta version of Alibaba open API is now provided free of charge for all paid GGS users. The open API supports JSON and XML formats, and call examples for JAVA, PHP, .NET, CURL, Python, C/C++, and NodeJS are provided for each endpoint.
Read How to Start first and enjoy using Alibaba's powerful open API.
You need to login to your Alibaba account before getting started. The process involves 3 steps.
I. Developer Registration
II. Authorization - Access Token
III. API Calls
Developers are required to register in order to get App key and App security. needs this information to create a developer account for you.
Access the API portal by navigating to MyAlibaba, or go to the link below, and fill in your information.
[Callback URL] is the address to which will return your authorization code. You can always edit this information on the basic configuration page of your developer account.
If you see the page shown above, you have successfully registered as a developer on
Access tokens are unique pieces of information used by to identify a product or an order that belongs to a particular user.
This process allows the ISVs (Independent Software Vendor) who have been authorized by their end-users to access the end-users' accounts on
The access token is required in every API request. There are 3 steps to acquire the access token.
1. Create a URL for authorization
2. Get authorization code
3. Call server and get your access token by providing authorization code
Your URL will look like this:
Your App key and callback URL are required in this step. Replace the value of "client_id" with your App key and replace the value of "redirect_uri" with your callback URL.
Paste the URL that contains your App key and callback URL into your browser address bar and call the URL. After the permission step, you should now see an error page or a blank page.
You will need your authorization code to obtain your access token.
*Important Note for ISVs: You will need to instruct your end-users to open the URL you have created in their browser and log in to their account after the HTTP call. The authorization code will be sent back to the callback URL you have set. Each of your end-users should be associated with a unique authorization code.
4 parameters need to be configured to get an access token.
Alibaba Server Call Entry is the URL of the server you are calling. Choose below server if your calls are initiated from European and American countries.
Server URL (HTTP) |
Server URL (HTTPS) |
Server |
Copy the code below and paste it into your code editor, then replace the four parameters in the code with your information. Your access token should be returned in the result once you run the code.
TaobaoClient client=new DefaultTaobaoClient(“ALIBAB_SERVER_CALL_ENTRY”,”YOUR_ APP_KEY”,”YOUR_APP_SECURITY"); TopAuthTokenCreateRequest request=new TopAuthTokenCreateRequest(); request.setCode(“AUTHENTICATION CODE”); TaobaoResponse response= client.execute(request); System.out.println(response.getBody());
ITopClient client = new DefaultTopClient(“ALIBAB_SERVER_CALL_ENTRY”,”YOUR_ APP_KEY”,”YOUR_APP_SECURITY"); TopAuthTokenCreateRequest req = new TopAuthTokenCreateRequest(); req.Code(“AUTHENTICATION CODE”); req.Uuid="abc" TopAuthTokenCreateResponse rsp = client.Execute(req); Console.WriteLine(rsp.Body);
Sample Result in JSON
{ "access_token":"averylonglineofdigitsandalphabets", "refresh_token":"someotherdigits", "w1_valid":1581792753752, "refresh_token_valid_time":1579200753752, "w2_valid":1579202553752, "user_id":"13455657676", "expire_time":1581792753752, "r2_valid":1579459953752, "locale":"zh_CN", "r1_valid":1581792753752, "sp":"icbu", "user_nick":"youralibabaid" }
You can access any APIs now with the access token shown as the value of "access_token" in the result.
For each API call, you need to include both the common parameters and the parameter for the specific API you are calling. (Refer to the API list for details.)
Common parameters are the parameters that must be included to call any API. Available parameters are listed below.
Parameter name |
Parameter type |
If required |
Parameter description |
Method |
String |
Yes |
API name. |
App_key |
String |
Yes |
App key. |
Session |
String |
No |
After the user is authorized and granted a code, the user can trade the code for access_token. You must include this parameter if it is shown as "required" in this table. |
Timestamp |
String |
Yes |
Timestamp format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss. The time zone: GMT + 8. For example, 2016-01-01 12:00:00. The maximum time error allowed by the Taobao API server is 10 minutes. |
Format |
String |
No |
Response format. The default format is xml. Valid value: xml, json. |
v |
String |
Yes |
API protocol version. Optional value: 2.0. |
Partner_id |
String |
No |
The partner identity. |
Target_app_key |
String |
No |
Target App key to be called. Only valid when the called API is provided for a third-party vendor. |
Simplify |
Boolean |
No |
Indicates whether to use simplified JSON return format. Only valid if format=json. Default value: false. |
Sign_method |
String |
Yes |
The algorithm for signature encryption. Valid value: hmac, md5. |
Sign |
String |
Yes |
API input parameter signature. The signature algorithm is described below. |
For security reasons, all API calls must include a valid signature. The TOP server (one of the Alibaba servers) will verify your signature based on the request parameters. Requests with invalid signatures will be rejected.
To generate a signature to prevent malicious attacks, we suggest that you use MD5 for data encryption and use HEX function for hexadecimal conversion.
All the API request parameters (including common parameters and API specific parameters, except for signature parameters and byte [] type parameters) must follow ASCII rules.
Signature Generation
App_key="12345678" Fields="num_iid,title,nick,price,num" Format="json" Method="taobao. item. seller. get" Num_iid=11223344 Session="test" Sign_method="md5" Timestamp="2016-01-01 12:00:00" V="2.0"
app_key12345678fieldsnum_iid,title,nick,price,numformatjsonmethodtaobao.item.seller.getnum_iid11223344sessiontestsign_methodmd5timestamp2016-01-01 12:00:00v2.0
If you use MD5, your App security must precede the assembled string. For example:
MD5(APP_SECURITY+assembled parameter names and values in sequence+APP_SECURITY)
hex( MD5( APP_SECURITY+assembled parameter names and values in sequence+APP_SECURITY ).getBytes("UTF-8") )
MD5 is 128-bit algorithms that are expressed in hexadecimal. One hexadecimal character represents 4 bits, therefore the length of a signed string is fixed to 32 hexadecimal characters.
Below is a demonstration of a complete URL using the information in the examples above (Step 1-4 under Signature Generation): Server_Address + method = API& + String from Step 2 + signature.
JAVA Example
public static String signTopRequest(Map<String, String> params, String secret, String signMethod) throws IOException { // Step 1: make sure the parameters are sorted String[]keys=params.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(keys); // Step 2: put together all the parameter names and parameter values StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); if (Constants.SIGN_METHOD_MD5.equals(signMethod)) { query.append(secret); } for (String key : keys) { String value = params.get(key); if (StringUtils.areNotEmpty(key, value)) { query.append(key).append(value); } } // Step 3: Use MD5/HMAC Encryption byte[] bytes; if (Constants.SIGN_METHOD_HMAC.equals(signMethod)) { bytes = encryptHMAC(query.toString(), secret); } else { query.append(secret); bytes = encryptMD5(query.toString()); } // Step 4: convert binary to upper case hexadecimal (a valid signature consists of 32 upper case characters; use this method when needed) return byte2hex(bytes); } public static byte[] encryptHMAC(String data, String secret) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = null; try { SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_UTF8), "HmacMD5"); Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(secretKey.getAlgorithm()); mac.init(secretKey); bytes = mac.doFinal(data.getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_UTF8)); } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) { throw new IOException(gse.toString()); } return bytes; } public static byte[] encryptMD5(String data) throws IOException { return encryptMD5(data.getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_UTF8)); } public static String byte2hex(byte[] bytes) { StringBuilder sign = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(bytes[i] & 0xFF); if (hex.length() == 1) { sign.append("0"); } sign.append(hex.toUpperCase()); } return sign.toString();
C# Example
public static string SignTopRequest(IDictionary<string, string> parameters, string secret, string signMethod) { //Step 1:sort the dictionary by key alphabetically IDictionary<string, string> sortedParams = new SortedDictionary<string, string>(parameters, StringComparer.Ordinal); IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, string>> dem = sortedParams.GetEnumerator(); // Step 2: put together all the parameter names and values StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); if (Constants.SIGN_METHOD_MD5.Equals(signMethod)) { query.Append(secret); } while (dem.MoveNext()) { string key = dem.Current.Key; string value = dem.Current.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { query.Append(key).Append(value); } } // Step 3: Use MD5/HMAC for encryption byte[] bytes; if (Constants.SIGN_METHOD_HMAC.Equals(signMethod)) { HMACMD5 hmac = new HMACMD5(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secret)); bytes = hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(query.ToString())); } else { query.Append(secret); MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); bytes = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(query.ToString())); } // Step 4: convert binary to upper case hexadecimal StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++) { result.Append(bytes[i].ToString("X2")); } return result.ToString(); }
Let's take Taobao.item.seller.get as an example to demonstrate an API call without SDK.
Step 1. Set values for common parameters and API specific parameters.
Common parameters:
Method="taobao.item.seller.get" App_key="12345678" Session="test" Timestamp="2016-01-0112:00:00" Format="json" V="2.0" Sign_method="md5"
API specific parameters:
Fields="num_iid,title,nick,price,num" Num_iid=11223344
Step 2. Sort the parameters by following ASCII rules.
Step 3. Assemble parameter names and parameter values.
Step 4. Generate a signature. Below is an example assuming your App security is "helloworld".
hex (md5 (helloworld+concatenated parameter names and values in sequence + helloworld)="66987CB115214E59E6EC978214934FB8"
Step 5. Assemble HTTP requests.
Use UTF-8 to encode all parameter names and values (the order parameter is optional, but the signature parameter must be included), and then use GET or POST (including byte [] type parameters) to initiate a request. See below:×tamp=2016-01-01+12%3A00%3A00&format=json&v=2.0&sign_method=md5&fields=num_iid%2Ctitle%2Cnick%2Cprice%2Cnum&num_iid=11223344&sign=66987CB115214E59E6EC978214934FB8
URL encoding is required for all parameter names and values in the URL.
If the Content-Type header shows application/x-www-form-url encoded, all parameter values in the HTTP Body should be URL encoded.
If the Content-Type header shows a multipart/form-data format, the parameter values of each form field do not need to be encoded, however, each charset of each form field needs to be specified in UTF-8.
If the parameter type includes byte [] or the assembled request URL is too long, you must use POST to initiate a request. All APIs can use POST to initiate requests.
Q: Why is Alibaba API not responding?
Make sure the server address are input correctly.
The beta version has limited service availability. If you do not receive a response from the API, please wait at least 10 minutes before repeating your request. We also recommend you store your previous request.
Q: What is the API call limit?
We count the total number of calls from all the API keys that belong to your account.
When your account exceeds the limit, we will not block your account immediately but will send you an automatic notification via email asking you to switch to one of our paid subscriptions within a reasonable time frame. If we do not get any feedback from you, we will suspend your account. To renew your account, contact us at
Q: Where do I report an error?
Log into your Alibaba account, navigate to seller workbench-MyAlibaba, and report errors to the chatbot located at the bottom of My Alibaba page. The chatbot is a built-in feature for Alibaba members to report bugs to our project management system. After you create a ticket for a bug, the ticket will be transferred to the product owner or the developer directly.
You can also contact us at
Q: why "Invalid timestamp" ?
please check your sign, timestamp must current time.